Collierville Twentieth Century Club Grants

Apply for A Grant!
The Collierville Twentieth Century Club Grants Program provides funding for Collierville-based arts and cultural organizations as well as education and community life projects that take place in Collierville.
They are designed to promote long-term growth in Collierville and to meet short-term funding needs.
Funds for these grants regenerated through the Collierville Twentieth Century Club's Fair on the Square each May.
There are four grant categories:
The Arts
Community Life
The Environment
The deadline for grant requests is October 1, 2025.
Please limit your request to one per group or teacher
The Collierville Twentieth Century Club Grant Application
More info
Although the Twentieth Century Club gives careful consideration to every grant application, those asking for specific items and benefiting a number of citizens are more likely to be granted since we try to fund as many requests as possible.
Please note: If your request is funded, you will be asked to sign a document stating that the money will be used for the purpose stated in the application.
Application deadline is October 1, 2025
The appropriate committee chairman will notify you if your grant has been approved.
Dispersal of grant checks will be at our November meeting and your presence is requested if you are approved.